What the...Orthographic Mapping!?
I have taught for years that sight word flash cards are almost always the wrong way to teach new words to children. I’ve advised parents...
Reading Course at Woodlawn UMC Starts Soon
I am very excited to get started with our program at Woodlawn UMC teaching parents how to teach their children to read. For many years...

Stanford Reading Research Comments
I talk and talk about teaching children to read. I get that I'm just one person who happens to have taught reading and have been...

I Want to Help!!
I want to help parents teach their children to read so their children can be more successful in school and in life. This has been a...

Should You Use Sight Words?
This was my response to a question about reading with sight words: If you can read with sight words, it sure isn’t wrong to do it. And if...

Tutoring Services Pitch!
As many of you may remember from past posts, I’m a big believer in parents teaching their children how to read. For so many reasons this...
A Pandemic Offer to All
Today I want to take a step I’ve thought about for months during the pandemic. I teach reading and the resources I can provide do it very...
Let's Discuss Reading!
I've written a lot of stuff over the years related to teaching reading. I've noticed a push lately to discuss how teachers aren't really...
Tutoring is Awesome!
I recently started teaching Chinese children via VIPKID . It is easy and fun and pays well! I’ve enjoyed it very much, but even better,...
Reasons to Read from T.R. Sebastien
Below is T.R. Sebastien's response to a question at Quora about teaching your child to read. I have very strong beliefs on why, but...