Phonogram University

Phonogram University is currently hosted at Click on the link below to go straight there and get started!
I have put much passion into the first course offered at Phonogram University (more coming!!!) because I am passionate about helping parents take control of the learning experiences of their children.
I have talked with many parents over the last 15 years who want to start working with their children as they approach school age, but are not sure what to do. The courses offered are excellent tools for preparing children for school as well as providing remediation for those already in school.
The focus on the resources found at Phonogram University is the parent. There are many programs out there that focus on the child, but here, the parent as facilitator of the child’s learning is of utmost importance.
After using the phonograms to teach 1st Grade, teach my own children, and tutor third graders, I’m convinced all children should know the phonograms in order to understand our language more fully. Phonogram University courses will be an excellent way for parents to help their children do this. Children who know the phonograms learn to read, think, spell, and experience success. And you get to be part of that wonderful journey!