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Thank you for visiting the boline-ed.com web site. I have put much passion into the products offered here because I am passionate about helping parents take control of the learning experiences of their children.
I have talked with many parents over the last ten years who want to start working with their children as they approach school age, but are not sure what to do. The resources offered here are excellent tools for preparing children for school as well as providing remediation for those already in school.
The focus on the resources found at boline-ed.com is the parent. There are many programs out there that focus on the child, but here, the parent as a facilitator of the child’s learning is of utmost importance.
Again, thanks for visiting!
Mission Statement

Boline Educational Resources strives to give parents tools to teach their children with the idea that many parents very much want to help their children, but through no fault of their own, are not sure what they can do to help.
Drawing on both experience as an elementary teacher and as a parent, quality products are made available to parents for the purpose of empowering them to begin helping their children prepare for school.
Phonograms Really Do Make You Smarter!
Go to the Reading page to learn more

Having used the phonograms for years and watched children get smarter, I always suspected there was a connection. The study referenced below confirms it!
I've included my favorite part of the article below.
Words learned through the letter-sound instruction elicited neural activity biased toward the left side of the brain, which encompasses visual and language regions. In contrast, words learned via whole-word association showed activity biased toward right hemisphere processing.
McCandliss noted that this strong left hemisphere engagement during early word recognition is a hallmark of skilled readers, and is characteristically lacking in children and adults who are struggling with reading.
In addition, the study's participants were subsequently able to read new words they had never seen before, as long as they followed the same letter-sound patterns they were taught to focus on. Within a split second, the process of deciphering a new word triggered the left hemisphere processes.
"Ideally, that is the brain circuitry we are hoping to activate in beginner readers," McCandliss said.
Do you know
these phonograms?

Reading Programs that use the Phonograms
A Phonogram Expert

This is wonderful work you have done. I haven’t seen anything like it out there either. I get a lot of things in my box for the reading specialist and I haven’t seen anything like this.
It was interesting to hear Chris’ (her husband) remarks. I think most people have no idea what we do when we teach children how to read. He is a perfect example. He couldn’t understand what it was. Then I explained it to him and he thought it was really cool.
Parent of a four-year-old:
I love the program. My four year old is very competent in reading because of it. I love the clarity of the audio. You’ve done a great job, sir.