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Reading Course at Woodlawn UMC Starts Soon

I am very excited to get started with our program at Woodlawn UMC teaching parents how to teach their children to read. For many years I’ve known the secret of teaching children to read and have used that knowledge to teach my children and a few others. All became great readers. My youngest daughter, Ella, was the first to get full advantage of this knowledge and it has shown over the years.

Now I want to share with as many parents as possible. Creating this class with Pastor Lori at Woodlawn should be a good start. I’m counting on our community of parents helping each other through this process. That support should be invaluable!

The first thing I should make clear is that this class is primarily for the parents. Parents will be learning the information and then pass it on to their children. Very little of the work necessary by the child will take place during the classes at Woodlawn. That work will be done at home between classes. This will be hard work and our hope is that the group of parents learning together will be able to share their experiences for the benefit of each other.

If parents do the hard work that it takes to teach their children to read it will be a great experience for everyone. I loved watching my children learn to read and I will love watching the children in this group learn to read.

Learning to read well is a game changer for children. Having taught 4th and 5th grade I watched how difficult school is for poor readers. I also watched how much more successful good readers are. Success leads to more success so I want parents and children to have that vs. the opposite.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this great experience, sign up at the church website. If you know a parent that might be interested, point them our way! Message me directly with questions or go ahead and sign up below.


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